Taking Care!

There are so many foods in the world... how do you know which are healthy and unhealthy. Well, there's no saying for sure. But here are some foods that are extremely UNHEALTHY which your dog should definetly stay away from!

  • 🍇Grapes🍇
  • 🍫Chocolate🍫
  • 🤎Raisins🤎
  • 🌰Apple Seeds🌰
  • 🥑Avacadoes🥑

  • Tip!

    You should look up on google if a certain food if ok for your dog before you try feeding him/her. This can help prevent your dog from getting sick!

    How to make your dog Comfortable!

    1. Stay calm. When you are dealing with a puppy they can get excited easily! So when greeting them, try to reduce the temptation of greeting them with excitement.

    2. Get on their level. You need to be their equals if you want to be their friends.

    3. Respect them. Not as a boss, but as a friend.

    4. Don't smother them, they'll feel overwhelmed. Let them come to you.

    5. To calm them down you need to give the dog fresh air. Talk them out for a walk in the neighborhood. Or, play with them in your backyard.