Dog Sizes

Here you can find out what size dog you want. Do you want a large Golden Retriver, or a small Chihuahua? Dogs come in all sizes from 4 inches to 44 inches tall!

If your looking for a family dog then get a medium sized dog like golden retrivers, Labrador Retrivers, Border Collies, Cocker Spaniel, Poodles or more!

If you live in an apartment and don't have much space a good dog for you is a Chihuahua, Corgi, Pug, Miniture Poodle/Doodle, Terrier or a Bichion Frise.

If you want a large guard or just a large furry friend then you can get a Rottweiler, Boxer, Standard Poodle, German Shepard, Great Dane, Greyhound, Dooberman. or a Bernesse Moutain Dog!